Minimizing the Chlorine Content in Bleached Sulfate Pulp for Sanitary Tissue products and Food Packaging
Е. Д. Софронова,В. А. Липин,В. К. Дубовый,Т. А. Суставова,Ekaterina D. Sofronova,,Vadim А. Lipin,Vladimir К. Dubovy,Tatyana А. Sustavova
Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal)
Abstract:The increasing consumption of pulp for chemical processing, including production of sanitary tissue products and other medical products, food packaging, as well as fillers for food products leads to new requirements for the quality of raw materials. The task of improving the characteristics of pulp has become particularly acute in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic: the demand for disposable nonwoven materials in direct contact with the human skin has increased several times over. The elemental chlorine free (ECF) sulfate pulp bleaching process, which uses chlorine dioxide as a bleaching agent, dominates bleached pulp production worldwide. The chlorine-containing compounds formed as a result of bleaching pollute not only waste water, but also the product itself. In the near future, it is expected that paper products made with chlorine-based bleaches may be banned for the production of sanitary tissue products and food packaging. If the products of the pulp and paper industry do not meet international consumer requirements, the pulp market for these purposes may face undesirable results. The most promising direction of modernization the existing bleaching schemes, both in terms of the process consumption parameters and the quality of the produced pulp, is the use of oxygen-alkaline bleaching in the first stage. Determination of total and organically bound chlorine content in pulp materials in accordance with ISO 11480:2017 on the advanced plant has shown, that the introduction of bleaching schemes using oxygen-alkaline agents will ensure the recommended content of chlorine compounds while maintaining the necessary characteristics of pulp for the manufacture of medical and sanitary tissue products, food packaging. However, high quality of finished products that meet consumers’ requirements is possible only if the chlorine content is controlled at all stages of pulp production, since the quantitative indicators of this substance content remain close to the upper allowable limit. For citation: sofronova e.D., Lipin v.A., Dubovy v.K., Sustavova t.A. Minimizing the Chlorine Content in bleached sulfate pulp for sanitary tissue products and food packaging. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 3, pp. 186–195. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-3-186-195
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