Fixed Point Formula for Characters of Automorphism Groups, Associated with Kahler Classes
A Futaki,K Tsuboi
Mathematical Research Letters
Abstract:The existence problem of Kähler-Einstein metrics of positive scalar curvature has not been settled yet completely. There are known obstructions, among which there is a character f of the complex Lie algebra h(M) of all holomorphic vector fields defined in [8]. In our works [11], [10], [13], [21], we studied how this Lie algebra character lifted to a character of the group of biholomorphic automomorphisms. It was shown using Chern-Simons theory that it is lifted to an additive group character with values in C/Z. The imaginary part was written as an integral formula, while the R/Z-valued real part was given as a fixed point formula for automorphisms. On the other hand the Lie algebra character f can be extended to an obstruction fΩ for Kähler classes Ω to contain a constant scalar curvature metric [9], [6]. More precisely, let M be an m−dimensional compact Kähler manifold with a fixed Kähler class Ω, ω ∈ Ω a Kähler form and sω the scalar curvature of ω. Then there exists a smooth function Fω uniquely up to constants such that sω − mμΩ = ∆Fω where