Frequency domain multiplexing readout for large arrays of transition-edge sensors
Davide Vaccaro,Hiroki Akamatsu,Luciano Gottardi,Jan van der Kuur,Kenichiro Nagayoshi,Emanuele Taralli,Martin de Wit,Marcel P. Bruijn,Anton J. van der Linden,Bert-Joost van Leeuwen,Paul van der Hulst,Kevin Ravensberg,Cor P. de Vries,Mikko Kiviranta,Jian-Rong Gao,Jan-Willem A. den Herder
Abstract:We report our most recent progress and demonstration of a frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) readout technology for transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays, both of which we have been developing, in the framework of the X-IFU instrument on board the future Athena X-ray telescope. Using Ti/Au TES micro-calorimeters, high-Q LC filters and analog/digital electronics developed at SRON and low-noise two-stage SQUID amplifiers from VTT Finland, we demonstrated feasibility of our FDM readout technology, with the simultaneous readout of 37 pixels with an energy resolution at of 2.23 eV at an energy of 6 keV. We finally outline our plans for further scaling up and improving our technology.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Instrumentation and Detectors