Monte Carlo event generators for high energy particle physics event simulation

Andy Buckley,Frank Krauss,Simon Plätzer,Michael Seymour,Simone Alioli,Jeppe Andersen,Johannes Bellm,Jon Butterworth,Mrinal Dasgupta,Claude Duhr,Stefano Frixione,Stefan Gieseke,Keith Hamilton,Gavin Hesketh,Stefan Hoeche,Hannes Jung,Wolfgang Kilian,Leif Lönnblad,Fabio Maltoni,Michelangelo Mangano,Stephen Mrenna,Zoltán Nagy,Paolo Nason,Emily Nurse,Thorsten Ohl,Carlo Oleari,Andreas Papaefstathiou,Tilman Plehn,Stefan Prestel,Emanuele Ré,Juergen Reuter,Peter Richardson,Gavin Salam,Marek Schoenherr,Steffen Schumann,Frank Siegert,Andrzej Siódmok,Malin Sjödahl,Torbjörn Sjöstrand,Peter Skands,Davison Soper,Gregory Soyez,Bryan Webber
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract:Monte Carlo event generators (MCEGs) are the indispensable workhorses of particle physics, bridging the gap between theoretical ideas and first-principles calculations on the one hand, and the complex detector signatures and data of the experimental community on the other hand. All collider physics experiments are dependent on simulated events by MCEG codes such as Herwig, Pythia, Sherpa, POWHEG, and MG5_aMC@NLO to design and tune their detectors and analysis strategies. The development of MCEGs is overwhelmingly driven by a vibrant community of academics at European Universities, who also train the next generations of particle phenomenologists. The new challenges posed by possible future collider-based experiments and the fact that the first analyses at Run II of the LHC are now frequently limited by theory uncertainties urge the community to invest into further theoretical and technical improvements of these essential tools. In this short contribution to the European Strategy Update, we briefly review the state of the art, and the further developments that will be needed to meet the challenges of the next generation.
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