Report from Working Group 1 : Standard Model Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC

Patrizia Azzi,Otto Hindrichs,P. Tan,Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus,E. W. N. Glover,A. W. Jung,A. Cerri,Jonas M. Lindert,Siddhesh Sawant,T. Chen,Marija Vranjes Milosavljevic,Vesterinen,A. Onofre,Michele Selvaggi,Павел Старовойтов,Eleni Vryonidou,C. Royon,Vangelis Vladimirov,Tomas Kasemets,Joshua Angus Mcfayden,Oleksandr Zenaiev,S. Farry,H. De la Torre,Fabrice Balli,Goodsell,Evelin Bakos,Lukas Lechner,Petr Volkov,Juliette Alimena,Giancarlo Ferrera,M. Boonekamp,C.A. Lee,Rabah Abdul Khalek,Evgeny Kryshen,Satoshi Mishima,Alexander Savin,Sa. Jain,Kevin R. Long,Corinne Goy,V. S. Lang,Jan Kieseler,M. Moreno Llácer,N. Smith,Kevin Pedro,B. Li,Simon Plätzer,Alexander Mitov,Basil Schneider,D. Zeppenfeld,S. Demers,Daniel Spitzbart,D. Walker,Claire Gwenlan,Nenad Vranješ,Juan Rojo,Jonathan R. Gaunt,Matthew Herndon,Frédéric Derue,J. Kroll,S. Yacoob,Andrew S. Papanastasiou,Kristin Lohwasser,Jad Zahreddine,E. Palencia Cortezon,E. Franco,Gurpreet Singh Chahal,Q. Li,Petr Mandrik,Emanuele Ré,Ivan Marchesini,A. Bodek,Max Philip Rauch,Jorge de Blas,Emanuel Demetrio Mendes Gouveia,Amandeep Singh Bakshi,Laura Reina,F. N. Zubair,M. Perfilov,Y. C. Wu,Hamzeh Khanpour,Claude Charlot,Aleko Khukhunaishvili,Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi,Duje Giljanović,Sabrina Cotogno,Hannes Jung,S. Saito,Thomas Gehrmann,Pietro Govoni,K. Potamianos,John M. Campbell,Filipe Veloso,Benjamin Fuks,Massimiliano Grazzini,S. Dawson,Y. Li,Tatsumi Nitta,Christoph Mayer,Valentin Hirschi,M. Leigh,Bakar Chargeishvili,Marco Mancini,Luc Darmé,Sara Khatibi,André H. Hoang,J. Pires,Leandro Cieri,Tairan Xu,Markus Seidel,Francisco Campanario,Paul Fraser Harrison,S. Jahn,Daniela Domínguez Damiani,M.-A. Pleier,Archil Durglishvili,Maurizio Pierini,Francesco Giuli,A. Tricoli,Giulia Zanderighi,Malin Sjödahl,Bruno Galhardo,Luca Cadamuro,S.-L. Chen,Kirill Skovpen,M. Czakon,S. Mikhalcov,M. Ciuchini,Dylan Teague,Andrea Dainese,Kerstin Hoepfner,Nansi Andari,Lev Dudko,R. Schoefbeck,Anthony Barker,A. J. Armbruster,J. Kretzschmar,W. Zhang,Marek Schoenherr,Stephen Jones,Paolo Gunnellini,D. Blöch,Denys Lontkovskyi,Freya Blekman,M. Narain,Mario Deile,Arnd Meyer,M. Kerner,Deepak Kar,V. Cavaliere,Javad Ebadi,S. Bailey,Ludovica Aperio Bella,Jindřich Lidrych,S. Uplap,L. Silvestrini,Robert Les,Paolo Nason,H.L. Zhu,Julie Managan Hogan,Luca Perrozzi,Rikkert Frederix,Juan Cruz-Martinez,M. Mangano,Davide Pagani,Martijn Mulders,M. C. N. Fiolhais,Ian M. Lewis,Stefano Pozzorini,J. Terrón,Marc Dünser,Efe Yazgan,K. D. Finelli,Alan Price,Miroslav Myška,C. Baldenegro,Lucian Harland–Lang,G. Vorotnikov,Qing-Hong Cao,Stefan Kallweit,Simone Pagan Griso,P.M. Mendes Amaral Torres Lagarelhos,C. Zhang,Gobinda Majumder,Frédéric Déliot,Koji Terashi,R. B. Ferreira De Faria,A. Gehrmann–De Ridder,Roberto Covarelli,Mykola Khandoga,Rhys Taus,Marius Wiesemann,Radek Žlebčík,Marco Zaro,Mauro Verzetti,Terrance Figy,Damir Lelas,Andrea Ferroglia,Alexander Huss,Carl Suster,Clément Helsens,J. D. Bossio Sola,Jun Gao,Stefano Camarda,Y. Liu,Alexander Karlberg,L. Di Ciaccio,Ansgar Denner,Kajari Mazumdar,William Kennedy Di Clemente,H. Schäfer-Siebert,N. P. Dang,M. Campanelli,Gennaro Corcella,E. Boos,Giovanni Zevi Della Porta,Mathieu Pellen,Gudrun Heinrich,Alexander Grohsjean,Julien Baglio,T. Shears,Tania Robens,W. Barter,Brian Petersen,Jürgen Reuter,Zoltan Ligeti,Aleandro Nisati
Abstract:The successful operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the excellent performance of the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE detectors in Run-1 and Run-2 with $pp$ collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV as well as the giant leap in precision calculations and modeling of fundamental interactions at hadron colliders have allowed an extraordinary breadth of physics studies including precision measurements of a variety physics processes. The LHC results have so far confirmed the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics up to unprecedented energy scales and with great precision in the sectors of strong and electroweak interactions as well as flavour physics, for instance in top quark physics. The upgrade of the LHC to a High Luminosity phase (HL-LHC) at 14 TeV center-of-mass energy with 3 ab$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity will probe the Standard Model with even greater precision and will extend the sensitivity to possible anomalies in the Standard Model, thanks to a ten-fold larger data set, upgraded detectors and expected improvements in the theoretical understanding. This document summarises the physics reach of the HL-LHC in the realm of strong and electroweak interactions and top quark physics, and provides a glimpse of the potential of a possible further upgrade of the LHC to a 27 TeV $pp$ collider, the High-Energy LHC (HE-LHC), assumed to accumulate an integrated luminosity of 15 ab$^{-1}$.
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