Measuring personality at a distance: Development of an integrated system for scoring motives in running text.
D. Winter
Abstract:A new integrated method for scoring achievement, affiliation-intimacy, and power motive imagery in verbal running text (speeches, interviews, literary works, etc.) is introduced as an aid to personality research at a distance. Systematic studies demonstrate that the new scoring system has interscorer and temporal reliability, validity, and convergence with scores from the original TAT-based scoring systems. Group and individual studies of political leaders, as well as studies of conflict escalation, illustrate its range of application. Overall, the performance of the new integrated running text system, which is nonreactive and can be applied to any naturally-occurring verbal material, suggests an alternative to the testing procedures of traditional personality research and assessment. Personality research is often limited by the way in which personality variables are measured. These limits are especially prominent in the study of individual lives. Often it is impossible to administer traditional psychological tests or carry out an interview. Examples include cases where testing is impossible, such as studies of political leaders, prominent persons, or historical figures who are no longer alive; and situations where testing is possible but undesirable because it is highly reactive and arouses test-taking or self-presentational sets, suspiciousness, defensiveness, or anxiety. Personality researchers, therefore, have begun to overcome this problem by developing indirect methods of measuring personality that can be applied “at a distance,” as a supplement to the more conventional methods of psychobiography (Hermann, 1968). In general, these methods are nonreactive, so that they can give repeated measurements over time without repeated testing; and they are flexible, so that they can measure personality characteristics in a variety of contexts. Because of widespread interest in understanding the relationship between personality and politics, at-a-distance techniques are probably most widely used in political psychology (e.g., Hermann, 1977), but they have also been applied to literary figures (Porter & Suedfeld, 1981), notable persons, and in fact to college students and other traditional groups of personality research subjects, as an alternative to traditional testing. Prominent among the variables measured in this way are motives (Hermann, 1979, 1980a, 1980b), integrative 1 A later version of this paper is published in A. J. Stewart, J. M. Healy, Jr., & D. J. Ozer (Eds.), Perspectives in personality: Approaches to understanding lives (pp. 59-89). London: Jessica Kingsley, 1991. I am grateful to Abigail Stewart for advice and discussion of several issues; to Joseph M. Healy, Jr. for advice in the final formulation of the scoring system and actual scoring; and to John W. Atkinson, Dan P. McAdams, David C. McClelland, and Joseph Veroff for generously providing data from their own previous research studies. This chapter was prepared with support from the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, which support is gratefully