Parental Perspectives on the Excellence of Computer Learning Media in Early Childhood Education
Ali Taufik,Tatang Apendi,Suid Saidi,Zen Istiarsono
Abstract:The introduction of basic computer media for early childhood is very important because it is one of the skills that children need in this century. Need to support parents and teachers in developing the implementation of the use of computer technology at home or at school. This study aims to determine and understand the state of learning conducted based on technology. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study model. This study involved 15 children and 5 parents. Data obtained through interviews (children and parents) and questionnaires for parents. The results showed that children who were introduced to and taught basic computers earlier became more skilled in learning activities. Suggestions for further research to be more in-depth both qualitatively and quantitatively explore the use of the latest technology to prepare future generations who have 21st century skills.
Keywords: Parental Perspective; Computer Learning; Early childhood education
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