Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Chopped Strand Mat-E Glass Fiber Polyster Resin & Graphite Powder Composites

V.Sravan Kumar,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55041/ijsrem30792
Abstract:Composite materials play a vital role in many industrial applications. Researchers are working on fabrication of new composite materials worldwide to enhance the applicability of these materials. In view of this the mechanical performance of the composite material is essential. The objective of the present work is to analyze the effect of graphite powders content on the mechanical behavior of woolen E-glass 350gm-Glass fiber reinforced. Five different types of composites are fabricated using 0%,2%,4%,6%,8%wt of graphite powders with woolen-E glass fiber and polyester resin. The polyester resin, catalyst and accelerator are mixed in 50:1:1weight ratio in polyester matrix graphite. The aim of the project is to investigate the effect of graphite powders with woolen e-glass 350gm for making the composite material stronger and tougher. The investigation is carried out by mixing different weight percentages of the graphite powders with the polyester resin and preparing individual samples. After woolen- eglass preparation, the materials were properly mixed using the hand-lay techniques and different specimens were prepared with different compositions of the graphite powders. After all the samples were prepared, mechanical tests were carried out on the samples to ascertain the changesobserved due to the composition of graphite powders. The obtained results of various samples specimens were compared and graphically charted to characterize the new composites material. Keywords: MattE-Glass 350gm; Polyester resin; Graphite powders; Hand- Lay technique ; Catalyst & Accelerator.
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