Mechanical Properties of E-Glass Fiber - Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite
Muhammed Anaz Khan*,A Vivek Anand,Lokasani Bhanuprakash,A Ravindra,V Hariprasad,,,,,
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Abstract:Composite materials have significant role in automobile and aerospace applications because of their attractive mechanical properties compared. This fascinating properties attracted several industries especially automotive sectors. In contrast to metallic alloys, composite materials composed of individual constituent elements with distinguishable interfaces and chemical identities, however, when combined e-glass and basalt fiber, they will produce superior properties. The fundamental advantage of composite materials is their high specific strength and specific stiffness, which emphasis on its weight saving potential in the finished part. Two principal constituent elements of composites are matrix and reinforcement materials. In the present work, an attempt has been made to understand the advancements achieved in the combination of e-glass fiber and basalt fiber composites. Based on the comprehensive literature review, it is observed that broad work was done on the manufacturing techniques and characterization of the composites, however, limited works were carried out in analyzing the tensile, flexural and shear strength properties of differently oriented fibers in the laminated composites. In this paper, focus was given in fabricating and characterizing the glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite laminates with different fiber orientations, thereby, examining the mechanical properties of prepared laminates for tensile and bending strengths.