Effective Theory for Neutron-Deuteron Scattering: Energy Dependence

P.F. Bedaque,H.-W. Hammer,U. van Kolck
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.58.641
Abstract:We report on results of the effective theory method applied to neutron-deuteron scattering. We extend previous results in the $J=3/2$ channel to non-zero energies and find very good agreement with experiment without any parameter fitting.
Nuclear Theory,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Nuclear Experiment
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the energy - dependence problem in the \(J = 3/2\) channel of neutron - deuteron scattering. Specifically, the authors hope to extend previous research results to non - zero energy through the effective theory method without parameter fitting, and verify its consistency with experimental data. ### Background and Motivation 1. **Limitations of the strong interaction theory**: - Although quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is regarded as the fundamental theory of strong interactions, little progress has been made in understanding nuclear forces from first principles. - Although many phenomenological models have been successful, they have some shortcomings, such as the ambiguity in calculating other processes using nucleon - nucleon scattering information, the difficulty in correlating with the underlying QCD, and the lack of a systematic small - parameter expansion. 2. **Advantages of the effective field theory**: - The effective field theory method can solve the above difficulties, especially by introducing a small parameter \(Q/m_{\rho}\), where \(Q\) is the typical momentum scale in the problem and \(m_{\rho}\) is the ignored physical scale. - In low - energy nucleon interactions (momentum less than about 300 MeV), an effective theory containing only nucleons and \(\pi\) - mesons (and \(\delta\) - isospin) can be constructed, with the expansion parameter \(Q/m_{\rho}\). ### Research Content 1. **Neutron - deuteron scattering in the \(J = 3/2\) channel**: - The authors extended the previous \(J = 3/2\) channel results to non - zero energy and found that they are in very good agreement with the experimental results without any parameter fitting. - The effective range expansion was used and the calculation was extended to finite energy. 2. **Effective Lagrangian**: - For the \(J = 3/2, I = 1/2\) channel, the spins of all three nucleons are aligned, and all two - body S - wave interactions are in the spin - triplet, isospin - singlet channel. - The effective Lagrangian is: \[ L = N^{\dagger}\left(i\partial_{0}+\frac{\nabla^{2}}{2M}+\cdots\right)N + C_{0}(N^{\dagger}\tau_{2}\vec{\sigma}\sigma_{2}N)^{2} \] \[ + C_{2}\left[(N^{\dagger}\tau_{2}\vec{\sigma}\sigma_{2}\nabla N)(N^{\dagger}\tau_{2}\vec{\sigma}\sigma_{2}\nabla N)-3(N^{\dagger}\tau_{2}\vec{\sigma}\sigma_{2}N)(N^{\dagger}\tau_{2}\vec{\sigma}\sigma_{2}\nabla^{2}N)+h.c.\right]+\cdots \] 3. **Introduction of the dibaryon field**: - A dibaryon field \(\vec{d}\) was introduced and the Lagrangian was redefined: \[ L = N^{\dagger}\left(i\partial_{0}+\frac{\nabla^{2}}{2M}+\cdots\right)N+\vec{d}^{\dagger}\cdot\left(-i\partial_{0}-\frac{\nabla^{2}}{4M}+\Delta+\cdots\right)\vec{d} \] \[ -\frac{g^{2}}{2}(\vec{d}^{\dagger}\cdot N\vec{\sigma}\si