Non-Abelian gauge field dynamics on matrix D-branes in curved space and two-dimensional $σ$-models

Abstract:A survey is given of the formulation of a $\sigma$-model describing an open string moving in general target space background fields and coupling to both a matrix-valued D-brane position and a matrix-valued gauge field on the D-brane. The equations of motion for the D-brane and the gauge field are derived from the conformal invariance condition on the string world sheet in lowest order of $\ap$. The ordering problem of the involved matrices is solved. In addition to our previous work we discuss a conflict between the classical T-duality rules and renormalization. The calculation of the RG $\beta$-functions does not yield the mass term obtained by formal application of these rules in the case of target space separated D-brane copies.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the dynamical behavior of non - Abelian gauge fields on matrix D - branes, especially their description in curved spacetime and their relationship with two - dimensional σ - models. Specifically, the author focuses on the following aspects: 1. **Construction of the σ - model**: The author constructs a σ - model to describe the motion of an open string in the general target - space background fields \( G_{\mu\nu}(X) \), \( B_{\mu\nu}(X) \), \( \Phi(X) \) and couples it to the matrix - valued D - brane positions and the matrix - valued gauge fields on the D - branes. This model aims to deal with the dynamics of non - Abelian gauge fields. 2. **Derivation of equations**: Starting from the conformal invariance condition of the string world - sheet, the equations of motion for D - branes and gauge fields are derived at the lowest order \( \alpha' \). In particular, the ordering problem involving matrices is solved. 3. **Conflict between T - duality rules and renormalization**: The conflict between the classical T - duality rules and renormalization is discussed. In particular, by calculating the RG β - function, it is found that the mass term obtained by formally applying the T - duality rules does not appear in the direct β - function calculation. This indicates that in some cases, the T - duality rules may need to be corrected or reconsidered. 4. **Generation of mass terms**: The problem of mass - term generation in the case of separated D - brane replicas is studied. By formally applying the T - duality rules, a mass term can be obtained, but this mass term does not appear in the direct β - function calculation. This suggests that we need to find other methods to explain the existence of this mass term. ### Formula summary - **Born - Infeld action**: \[ S_{BI}=\int d^{p + 1}Y e^{-\phi(Y)}\sqrt{\det(g + b+2\pi\alpha'F)} \] where \( g, b, \phi \) are the induced fields on the brane introduced by the target - space fields \( G, B, \Phi \), and \( F \) is the field strength of the gauge field \( A \). - **Path - ordered Wilson loop**: \[ U[\partial M, A]=P\exp\left(i\int A_\mu dX^\mu\right) \] - **Wilson loop represented by auxiliary fields**: \[ U_{ab}[\partial M, A]=\int_{\partial M}D\bar{\zeta}D\zeta\bar{\zeta}_b(0)\zeta_a(1)\exp\left(-\int_0^1(\bar{\zeta}\frac{d}{ds}\zeta - i\bar{\zeta}A_\mu(X(s))\dot{X}^\mu)ds\right) \] - **RG β - function**: \[ \beta(A)_L = Q\{g^{MN}(\hat{D}_M b_{NL}+2\pi\alpha'\bar{\zeta}\hat{D}_M F_{NL}\zeta - i\bar{\zeta}[F_{LM}, f^\alpha]\zeta f^\nu; N B_{\nu\alpha})\} \] \[ \beta(f)^\nu = Q\{g^{MN}K^\mu_{MN}G^{\mu\nu}+\frac{1}{2}(b^{MN}+2\pi\alpha'\bar{\zeta}F^{MN}\zeta)f^\alpha; M f^\beta; N H^{\alpha\beta\nu}\} \] These formulas show how to deal with the dynamics of non - Abelian gauge fields and matrix D - branes within the framework of the σ - model and reveal the complexity and challenges involved.