Low-action holomorphic curves and invariant sets
Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner,Rohil Prasad
Abstract:We prove a compactness theorem for sequences of low-action punctured holomorphic curves of controlled topology, in any dimension, without imposing the typical assumption of uniformly bounded Hofer energy. In the limit, we extract a family of closed Reeb-invariant subsets. Then, we prove new structural results for the U-map in ECH and PFH, implying that such sequences exist in abundance in low-dimensional symplectic dynamics. We obtain applications to symplectic dynamics and the geometry of surfaces. First, we prove generalizations to higher genus surfaces and three-manifolds of the celebrated Le Calvez-Yoccoz theorem. Second, we show that for any closed Riemannian or Finsler surface a dense set of points have geodesics passing through them that visit different sections of the surface. Third, we prove a version of Ginzburg-Gürel's "crossing energy bound" for punctured holomorphic curves, of arbitrary topology, in symplectizations of any dimension.
Symplectic Geometry,Dynamical Systems