Consumer Perception of the Alternative Use of "Organic Packaging" in Food Products
Dayana Ketrin Silva Francisco Madella,Raquel Pereira de Souza,Nathália Ramos de Melo
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Abstract:Madella, Dayana Ketrin Silva Francisco ; Souza, Raquel Pereira De ; Melo, Nathália Ramos De ; Currently, the market for organic products is in growing demand, and consumers seek to be in tune with the proposal of organic cultivation. The main reasons for this demand are related to the environment and health. Therefore, in the same proportion, there are studies in the literature addressing the subject. Thus, packaging has become an important vehicle for food, with the emergence of alternative materials to the use of conventional plastic. This study reports, within the profile of the consumer in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, the probability of the consumer to purchasing organic packaging, as an alternative, for food products. For the present study, 328 questionnaires were used, consisting of 17 open and multiple-choice questions that addressed socioeconomic issues, consumption of organic and conventional foods, and the probability of using organic packaging. The profile of the consumer of organic products is predominantly women, with a postgraduate degree, between 31 and 40 years old and with a family income of 4 to 6 minimum wages. About organic packaging, there is a high probability that the consumer will purchase it with or without adding cost to the final value.