Fourier--Stieltjes category for twisted groupoid actions
Alcides Buss,Bartosz Kwaśniewski,Andrew McKee,Adam Skalski
Abstract:We extend the theory of Fourier--Stieltjes algebras to the category of twisted actions by étale groupoids on arbitrary C*-bundles, generalizing theories constructed previously by Bédos and Conti for twisted group actions on unital C*-algebras, and by Renault and others for groupoid C*-algebras, in each case motivated by the classical theory of Fourier--Stieltjes algebras of discrete groups. To this end we develop a toolbox including, among other things, a theory of multiplier C*-correspondences, multiplier C*-correspondence bundles, Busby--Smith twisted groupoid actions, and the associated crossed products, equivariant representations and Fell's absorption theorems. For a fixed étale groupoid $G$ a Fourier--Stieltjes multiplier is a family of maps acting on fibers, arising from an equivariant representation. It corresponds to a certain fiber-preserving strict completely bounded map between twisted full (or reduced) crossed products. We establish a KSGNS-type dilation result which shows that the correspondence above restricts to a bijection between positive-definite multipliers and a particular class of completely positive maps. Further we introduce a subclass of Fourier multipliers, that enjoys a natural absorption property with respect to Fourier--Stieltjes multipliers and gives rise to `reduced to full' multiplier maps on crossed products. Finally we provide several applications of the theory developed, for example to the approximation properties, such as weak containment or nuclearity, of the crossed products and actions in question, and discuss outstanding open problems.
Operator Algebras