Interactive methods in the foreign language teaching of future IT specialists at medical college
Veronika A. Filatova,Anna M. Mityaeva,,
Perspectives of science and education
Abstract:Introduction. Interactive teaching of a foreign language to IT students in a higher medical school is an important component of the educational environment of a medical university, as it contributes to the formation of not only professional communicative competence in a foreign language, but also key competencies for conducting future professional activities in general. The authors determined that the purpose of the scientific work is to provide promising solutions for eliminating downsides, neutralizing risks and introducing interactive technologies in linguodidactic process. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russian Federation). The students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" (72 students) took part in the experiment. One of the groups was designated experimental, the remaining 3 were control. Scientific and experimental information was obtained, using such methods as theoretical analysis of sources on the problem, assessment of the experience of using interactive methods in the experimental part of the study based on SWOT analysis, observation, survey, online testing. Method of mathematical statistics: Pearson's chi-squared test. Results. The survey showed a high degree of students interest (95% of students) in learning a foreign language at a high professional level in the process of collaboration using communicative, active, interactive methods, information technology, etc. Online testing, which demonstrates the results of learning lexical and grammatical material on the educational topic of the discipline foreign language by students of the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" in an interactive way at a medical university, showed that the students of the experimental group coped with the test tasks much better than students from the control groups (χ2 = 6.383; p=0.042 < 0,05). Conclusion. The authors have developed a number of promising solutions, based on the obtained results that optimize the process of using interactive learning in IT students training at the medical university. Due to this work, it is possible to determine the universal principles of the use of interactive methods in teaching a foreign language to students of the information technology specialties in the field of medicine and other specialties, it is possible to expand the range and conditions for the adaptability of these methods for a specific group, the purpose of training, the tasks and expected results, and also to develop a model of interactive learning for students of these specialties at medical school and subsequently create an educational program and materials.