Modern methods of teaching of obstetrics and gynecology in higher education
Ірина Каліновська,Катерина Лісова,Iryna Kalinovska,Kateryna Lisova
Current issues of social sciences and history of medicine
Abstract:This article examines in detail modern methods of teaching obstetrics and gynecology in higher education. Modern ones are given highly effective approaches to conducting lectures, with the introduction of discussion elements. In our opinion, the experience of the world and national systems of higher education proves the need to use the latest interactive teaching methods. It undoubtedly contributes to the introduction of the technology of personally-oriented learning into the didactic process, the use of methods of encouraging students to educational and cognitive activities, which in turn ensures a personal orientation of learning. In this regard, the statement that interactive training is aimed at activating the cognitive activity of medical interns through the organization of communication among themselves, interns with the teacher, between groups, which is aimed at solving a common educational problem, is relevant. Accordingly, the establishment of modern interactive training involves simulation of examples and joint solution of the relevant situation. Competence of students, which is formed by interactive learning, expands the limits of cognitive possibilities, promotes analysis and application information obtained in the process of learning, and contributes significantly to the accumulation of skills in future professional medical activity. Methodology of the study includes comparative, descriptive and case-sdtudy methods. A deep one appears internal motivation, interns begin to make important decisions and enjoy developing their professional medical skills. The structure of “question-answer” methods, their use in conducting practical classes, which contribute to the emergence of professional competence of intern doctors and significantly increase the effectiveness of their perception of academic material, are covered in detail. If the interactive method is used, the intern does not feel like an object of the learning process, but a subject of acquiring knowledge, this undoubtedly leads to internal motivation, which contributes to its effectiveness. Conclusions. Thanks to the effect of originality and novelty of interactive methods, with their correct organization, the interest of intern doctors in the learning process increases. The modern pedagogical process of higher education uses various methods of organizing training, education and revealing future doctors as individuals. Lectures are undoubtedly the main and necessary form of training. Some supporters of traditional didactics see its advantages, while their opponents claim that times have changed and should to realize that the lecture as a classroom form of communication with students is the least effective among other forms of education in higher education. The application of the "Case Studies" method is quite effective in teaching obstetrics and gynecology. Given that the method was first developed at the beginning of the 20th century. at the Harvard Business School, it is also called the Harvard method. In our opinion, the method of specific situations - ICS, or situational learning - is a very effective teaching method, which involves the use of specific situations (cases from practice) from a certain section or topic of the training course for joint analysis, discussion and acceptance decision, brainstorming within a small group and a public speech with the presentation and defense of the proposed decision are also used. The main stages of “Case Studies” are distinguished, such as: the teacher's introductory speech; formation of microgroups; work in a small group; presentation of solutions developed by speakers; questions to the speakers; general discussion; teacher's closing speech; summing up.