Political Argumentation by Reciting Poems in the Spring and Autumn Period of Ancient China
Shi-er Ju,Zhi-xi Chen,Yang He
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10503-020-09527-x
Abstract:This paper introduces the Generalized Argumentation Theory which takes argumentation as a locally rational socio-cultural interaction governed by social norms and carried out through discourse between the members of a socio-cultural community in order to reason things out. Then we bring in the basic structure of generalized argumentation and the localized procedure of Generalized Argumentation Theory for studying the argumentative rules (social norms). On the basis of above introduction, we use the localized procedure to analyze a case of political argumentation by reciting poems in ancient China. By doing so, it's indicated that political argumentation by reciting poems, in essence, takes cultural principle of <i>Li</i> of the Spring and Autumn Period as argumentative rules and uses poems to express ideas, in virtue of which arguments are accepted as locally rational by the politicians at that time. At last, the <i>Little Red Book</i> quotation fight, a similar political activity, is discussed briefly to show the significance that ancient Chinese political argumentation has on contemporary argumentation.