Characteristics and Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment for Myopic Strabismus Fixus
Jiang Jingjing,Wang Zhiqi,Zhao Min,Wang Wei,Wu Xi,Jin Xiaoqin
Abstract:Objective To study the characteristics of modified Yokoyama's surgical methods for treating high myopic strabismus fixus under the microscope,and evaluate the surgical results.Methods Retrospective analysis of records of 9 patients (9 eyes) with high myopic fixus strabismus who underwent the modified Yokoyama's surgery between 2011 and 2015.Pre-and postoperative measurements and tests were recorded and analyzed,including visual acuity,ocular alignment and motility,refraction state,axial length,and CT or MRI scan.Special attentions were paid to eye position under general anesthesia,forced duction test,anatomic location of extraocular muscle and the change of muscle tension.The lateral half of superior rectus and upper half of lateral rectus were ligated with scleral fixation at 12-14mm from the limbus.Postoperative effects were assessed by following up for an average of 2 years.Results Eye position under general anesthesia and forced duction test:All of the 9 eyes had fixed esotropia and hypotropia,8 eyes showed strong medial rectus resistance in forced duction test.In the end of operation,all of the eyes were obtained orthophoriaor overcorrected with less than 5° exotropia.Extraocular muscles situation:7 eyes were observed medial rectus contracture and fixed eso-hypotropia even after the tendon detachment of medial rectus muscle.Displacement of the lateral rectus inferiorly and superior rectus medially was observed during surgery,which was identified with demonstration in CT or MRI scan of the orbits.Two eyes had less than 5° residual hypotropia and short-term diplopia,which obtained orthophoria after 3 months.The ocular motility was improved significantly and eye position was maintaining stability in 2 years' follow-up.Conclusions The modified Yokoyama's surgery effectively restores the dislocated globe back into muscle cone by changing the orientation of muscle force,and shows a certain effect on treating fixed strabismus in patients with high myopic.