T. Yaprynets,A. Kelemesh,R. Petrash
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33989/2519-8254.2022.12.279048
Ukrainian professional education
Abstract:The article presents the results of the analysis of the project competence issue as an integral component of future vocational education teachers’ professional competence. Future vocational education teachers’ project competence is interpreted as an integral characteristic of the subjects of activity, the essence of which is the ability of the individual for theoretical and practical activities regarding the development and implementation of professional projects. The essence and structure of project competence have been clarified, and the criteria for its formation have been determined; it is proved that the significant means of its formation is the method of projects. The project is characterized as a complex of actions organized by the teacher and performed by the students of higher educational institutions, where they independently make decisions and are responsible for their own choice, the result of work, and the quality of the creative product. Stages of project implementation are highlighted (research and technology, design and assessment of results; project protection; design of results; reflection); it has been established that to develop project competence, students of higher educational institutions should have reflective, research, managerial, communicative, presentation skills and abilities. The interdependent components of project competence are singled out as follows: motivational-value, cognitive, activity, and reflective-evaluative. Worldview, research, heuristic, integrative, prognostic, reflective-evaluative, and constructive-management functions of project competence are described. Content, technological, analytical, and productive blocks of project competence are characterized.
It has been concluded that future vocational education teachers’ professional competence formation is a multi-level, complex process, closely interrelated with the process of designing and project activity, which is displayed in the acquisition of relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities by students of higher educational institutions, the choice of well-founded decisions, the ability apply the obtained results in a specific professional field. The level of project competence development is one of the crucial benchmarks of a graduate’s success in the labor market, as it determines future specialists’ professional value attitudes and subject position through the system of their views and attitudes regarding personal and professional growth.
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