The pernicious danger of cortical brain maps

Benjamin Yost Hayden
Neurons and Cognition
Abstract:The parcellation of the primate cerebral cortex into numbered regions, based on cytoarchitecture, began with the pioneering research of neuroanatomist Kobrinian Brodmann. While the borders between regions have changed somewhat, and in some cases continue to be disputed, the idea of dividing the cortex into distinct numbered areas has become central to the goal of understanding brain function. And indeed, areal maps do provide a good starting point for functional parcellation. It is obvious, for example, that visual area V1 has a different function than primary motor cortex. However, as with anything good, one can take things too far. Indeed, cortical areas, while useful, have several pernicious side effects for neuroscientists interested in function, especially in prefrontal cortex.
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