Thanu Padmanabhan,Brian Schmidt,Andrew J. Bunker,Benedetta Ciardi,Yipeng Jing,Anton M. Koekemoer,Ofer Lahav,Olivier Le Fevre,Douglas Scott
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Abstract:The period 2009-2011 has seen a consolidation of our theoretical understanding around the Flat-Λ CDM Universe model, with experiments on several fronts providing observations consistent with this model, and leading to improved constraints on the values of H0, ΩB, ΩM, and ΩΛ. The recently launched Planck Satellite has started to provide a wealth of new observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and should lead to substantial progress in the physics of the CMB over the coming years. There has also be a steady progress in mapping the formation of structure and galaxies to higher and higher redshifts. Observations of objects at the highest redshifts are suggestive that the reionization of the Universe might not be complete at these epochs. This epoch will be probed in the near future with low-frequency radio surveys. This report, prepared from the inputs received from the committee members, concentrates on these areas.