Different Graphic Approaches For Jazz Music: İzmir European Jazz Festival Posters
Sevgi ARI
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17484/yedi.1143908
Abstract:The subject of this study is the poster competition that holds original designs for up to 20 years in parallel with the Izmir European Jazz Festival organized by the Izmir Foundation for Culture, Arts and Education. At the center of the search, which is enriched with brief information about the vision of the Izmir Foundation for Culture, Arts and Education, and the European Jazz Festival, after the introduction, deals with the origins of jazz music, concepts such as improvisation, experimentation, expression, interpretation, and style in jazz music are examined through their relationship with poster design. The festival competition, which stands out as one of the few long-running art/design events in our country, is instrumental in conveying unique styles/ interpretations by young generation designers, who act on the liberating nature of jazz music. In the examples accompanying the study, the internalized and blended personal approaches to jazz music draw attention together with the examples that differ from the past awarded works. The designs that meet with a large audience every year with the organizational structure of the competition contribute to the repertoire of contemporary Turkish graphic design as well as the identity of the festival. It is valuable that these rare examples, which have spread over many years in our country, continue to exist with regular periods, are organized with a pluralistic structure, remain up-to-date while becoming traditional, and open a free area for graphic designers. In addition to increasing the number of such platforms, which is a good example for observing the potential of transition between different branches of art, regular archiving, subjecting them to academic studies, and supporting them through participation play an important role in the construction of our national graphic design history.