Structural Racism, Residential Segregation, and Exposure to Trauma: The Persistent Impact of Redlining
James M. Bradford,Maya M. Eldin,Simin Golestani,Tatiana CP Cardenas,Marc D. Trust,Marissa Mery,Pedro G. Teixeira,Joseph DuBose,Lawrence H. Brown,Michelle Bach,Michelle Robert,Sadia Ali,Deborah Salvo,Carlos VR Brown
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Abstract:Introduction As part of New Deal era federal housing policy, the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) developed maps grading US neighborhoods by perceived financial security. Neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities were deemed financially unstable and denied federal investment, a practice colloquially known as redlining. The aim of this study was to assess the association of historical redlining within Austin, Texas to spatial patterns of penetrating traumatic injury. Methods Retrospective cross sectional study utilizing data from violent penetrating trauma admissions between January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2021, at the single Level 1 trauma center in Austin, Texas. Using ArcGIS, addresses where the injury took place were geocoded and spatial joining was used to match them to their corresponding census tract, for which 1935 HOLC financial designations are classified as: "Hazardous", "Definitely Declining", "Still Desirable", "Best", or "Non HOLC Graded". Tracts with designations of "Hazardous" and "Definitely Declining" were categorized as Redlined. The adjusted incidence rate ratio comparing rates of penetrating trauma among historically Redlined vs. Not Redlined and Not Graded census tracts was calculated. Results 1,404 violent penetrating trauma admissions were identified for the study period, of which 920 occurred within the county of interest. Among these, 5% occurred in census tracts that were Not Redlined, 13% occurred in Redlined tracts, and 82% occurred in non HOLC graded tracts. When adjusting for differences in current census tract demographics and social vulnerability, historically Redlined areas experienced a higher rate of penetrating traumatic injury (Not Redlined IRR = 0.42, 95% CI 0.19-0.94, p = 0.03; Not Graded IRR = 0.15, 95% CI 0.07-0.29, p < 0.001). Conclusions Neighborhoods unfavorably classified by HOLC in 1935 continue to experience a higher incidence rate of violent penetrating trauma today. These results underscore the persistent impacts of structural racism and of historical residential segregation policies on exposure to trauma. Level of Evidence Level IV, Prognostic and Epidemiological
surgery,critical care medicine