Effect of green infrastructure on restoration of pollination networks and plant performance in semi‐natural dry grasslands across Europe

Anna Traveset,Carlos Lara‐Romero,Silvia Santamaría,Gema Escribano‐Ávila,James M. Bullock,Olivier Honnay,Danny A. P. Hooftman,Adam Kimberley,Patricia Krickl,Jan Plue,Peter Poschlod,Sara A. O. Cousins
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14592
IF: 6.865
Journal of Applied Ecology
Abstract:Our findings provide evidence of the necessity to enhance ecosystem functions while avoiding biotic homogenisation. Restoration programs should aim at increasing landscape connectivity which influences plant communities, pollinator assemblages and their interaction patterns. To avoid generalist species taking over from specialists in restored grasslands, we suggest reinforcing the presence of specialist species in the latter, for instance by means of introductions, as well as increasing the connectivity to source populations. Agricultural intensification, afforestation and land abandonment are major drivers of biodiversity loss in semi‐natural grasslands across Europe. Reversing these losses requires the reinstatement of plant–animal interactions such as pollination. Here we assessed the differences in species composition and patterns of plant‐pollinator interactions in ancient and restored grasslands and how these patterns are influenced by landscape connectivity, across three European regions (Belgium, Germany and Sweden). We evaluated the differences in pollinator community assemblage, abundance and interaction network structure between 24 ancient and restored grasslands. We then assessed the effect of surrounding landscape functional connectivity (i.e. green infrastructure, GI) on these variables and tested possible consequences on the reproduction of two model plants, Lotus corniculatus and Salvia pratensis. Neither pollinator richness nor species composition differed between ancient and restored grasslands. A high turnover of interactions across grasslands was detected but was mainly due to replacement of pollinator and plant species. The impact of grassland restoration was consistent across various pollinator functional groups, whereas the surrounding GI had differential effects. Notably, bees, butterflies, beetles, and dipterans (excluding hoverflies) exhibited the most significant responses to GI variations. Interestingly, networks in restored grasslands were more specialised (i.e. less functionally redundant) than in ancient ones and also showed a higher number of insect visits to habitat‐generalist plant species. Landscape connectivity had a similar effect, with habitat‐specialist plant species receiving fewer visits at higher GI values. Fruit set in S. pratensis and L. corniculatus was unaffected by grassland type or GI. However, the fruit set in the specialist S. pratensis increased with the number of pollinator visits, indicating a positive correlation between pollinator activity and reproductive success in this particular species. Synthesis and applications. Our findings provide evidence of the necessity to enhance ecosystem functions while avoiding biotic homogenisation. Restoration programs should aim at increasing landscape connectivity which influences plant communities, pollinator assemblages and their interaction patterns. To avoid generalist species taking over from specialists in restored grasslands, we suggest reinforcing the presence of specialist species in the latter, for instance by means of introductions, as well as increasing the connectivity to source populations. Resumen La intensificación agrícola, la forestación y el abandono de tierras son factores clave en la pérdida de biodiversidad en pastizales semi‐naturales en toda Europa. Revertir estas pérdidas requiere restablecer interacciones planta‐animal, como la polinización. En este estudio, evaluamos las diferencias en la composición de especies y patrones de interacciones planta‐polinizador en pastizales antiguos y restaurados, y cómo estos patrones son influenciados por la conectividad del paisaje en tres regiones europeas (Bélgica, Alemania y Suecia). Examinamos las diferencias en el ensamblaje de la comunidad de polinizadores, su abundancia y la estructura de la red de interacciones planta‐polinizador en 24 pastizales antiguos y restaurados. Luego, evaluamos el efecto de la conectividad funcional del paisaje circundante (es decir, infraestructura verde, GI) en estas variables y evaluamos posibles consecuencias en la reproducción de dos plantas modelo, Lotus corniculatus y Salvia pratensis. No hubo diferencias en la riqueza de polinizadores ni en la composición de especies entre los pastizales antiguos y restaurados. El impacto de la restauración de pastizales fue consistente en diversos grupos funcionales de polinizadores, mientras que la GI circundante tuvo efectos diferenciales. Destacadamente, abejas, mariposas, escarabajos y dípteros (excluyendo sírfidos) mostraron las respuestas más significativas a las variaciones en la GI. Curiosamente, las redes en pastizales restaurados fueron más especializadas (menos funcionalmente redundantes) que en los antiguos y también mostraron un mayor número de visitas de insectos a especies de plantas generalistas de hábitat. La conectividad del paisaje tuvo un efecto similar, con especies de plantas especializadas re -Abstract Truncated-
biodiversity conservation,ecology
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