Mykhailo Vedernikov,Lesia Volianska-Savchuk,Oksana Chernushkina,Natalia Bazaliyska
Proceedings of Scientific Works of Cherkasy State Technological University Series Economic Sciences
Abstract:The purpose of the article. The development of provisions regarding the formation and use, directions, problems and opportunities of digital transformation in the field of digitalization of HR processes in business under modern business conditions is considered. The article examines the peculiarities of the development of digitalization in the management of the development of personnel potential among domestic enterprises, which requires the application of the experience of foreign countries, which are focused on business optimization, effective IT solutions, and ensuring the quality of personnel. The main directions of the development of management systems in the conditions of digitalization of management are determined, such as: promoting the acceleration of innovative initiatives, prognostic monitoring of the market environment, assessment of factors affecting the company's competitiveness, development of road maps based on industry priorities and customer experience. Along with this, the formation of personnel potential, complex synchronization of all types of activities, development of culture and competencies of information exchange, modernization of IT systems, application of analytics and Big Data are considered. An organic combination of digital HR with mobile applications, social networks, cloud technologies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence to create favorable conditions for improving the work of employees, recruiting and firing personnel, etc. has been determined. Methodology. Digital transformation of HR is a change in the functioning of HR through the use of data in all areas: payroll, performance management, learning and development, profit, compensation, motivation and recruiting. The data on the priorities of HR specialists regarding investments in recruitment activities are shown. As can be seen from the statistics, corporate websites are considered the most important element of recruiting, while the application tracking system is the next priority. Results. Implementation of human resources management strategy is an important stage of the strategic management process. For it to be successful, the organization's management must adhere to the following rules: first, the goals, strategies, tasks of personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization in order to obtain from them not only understanding of service personnel management of the organization, but also informal involvement in the implementation of strategies, in particular, the development of obligations of employees to the organization to implement the strategy; secondly, the general management of the organization and the heads of the personnel management service must not only ensure the timely use of all necessary resources (material, equipment, office equipment, financial, etc.), but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targeted guidelines for the state and development of labor potential and record the achievement of each goal. Digitalization is a necessary process of development of modern enterprises in the conditions of the neo-economy. It is designed to simplify and speed up work with large databases, to ensure the automation of all types of activities (main and auxiliary operational, investment, financial), to improve communication with customers, suppliers and partners and all institutions of the external environment, to form new principles of interaction within the enterprise – between divisions, employees, management, transition to new organizational forms of management. Practical implications. Today, the development of ICT (digitalization) is a factor that changes the pace of enterprise development. ICT contributes to the increase of the motivation of employees, development of their creative thinking, also allows to save working time, multimedia tools and interactivity contribute to a better presentation and, at the same time, the information presented is also assimilated. Modern ICT maximally changes management methods – workplace, type of activity, interests, circle of partners. It is appropriate to single out the following means of mass introduction of fundamentally new ICTs, which caused qualitative changes in enterprise management: mainframes; personal computers; Internet; specialized global networks; cloud computing; Internet sensors, etc. Using all the opportunities of ICT and turning them into a real competitive force becomes the main task for managers. Value/originality. Updated practices, supported by a new type of manager with a new way of thinking, help to strengthen and develop innovative teams. In terms of capabilities, HR provides digital transformation by offering technologies capable of monitoring workforce performance in real time, implementing innovations, and "using feedback to make informed decisions by managers". Digitalization of society has radically changed people's lives and opened up new opportunities in the field of HR. At whatever stage of digital development each individual organization is, the strategy of people management and IT personnel occupy a central place in its strategic priorities, which determines the conditions for long-term development. The digital transformation of HR affects all types of businesses, from the largest corporations to the smallest micro-firms. It includes the transition from long-standing and traditionally used resources, tools and processes (such as filing cabinets and contact lists) to digital means of information storage.
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