Controls on regional sulphate distribution in shallow groundwater in the western Canadian Interior Plains
J E Liggett,K E Pooley,N Atkinson,P Humez,S Thistle,B D Smerdon,M Babakhani,C N McClain,B Mayer
Abstract:Sulphate (SO4), predominantly derived from sulphur (S)-bearing glacial sediments distributed widely across the Canadian Interior Plains, contributes to high groundwater salinity and can be detrimental to riparian and dry-land ecosystems, agricultural production, and water use. While previous researchers investigated SO4 distribution and dynamics in shallow groundwater at local scales (<1500 km2), we examine SO4 occurrence in groundwater at larger scales, and to depths of ∼150 m, considering variations in geology, glacial history, climate, and geochemical and hydrogeological settings in the Canadian province of Alberta. Sulphate concentrations in groundwater vary considerably, with 15 % of 139,130 samples above the 500 mg/L Canadian drinking water aesthetic objective. Analysis of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] from 179 wells throughout Alberta shows SO4 is dominantly derived from oxidation of S-bearing material. At this large scale, marine shale bedrock subcrops, glacial ice flow directions, and climate control SO4 distribution. Groundwater contains less SO4 (<200 mg/L) in western Alberta compared to the east due to a lack of S-bearing bedrock, higher groundwater recharge rates, thinner glacial sediments, and increased groundwater circulation. Focusing on a region in south-central Alberta (Red Deer area), hydrogeological characteristics relating to SO4 formation, recharge, permeability, hydraulic gradient, and travel time are included in a principal component analysis to identify six groundwater groups at varying stages of evolution and SO4 concentrations depending on their hydrogeological setting. Low SO4 concentrations are associated with areas of high recharge, where SO4 has been leached from the sediments, or with more evolved bedrock groundwater where SO4 has been reduced or was recharged in pre-glacial times. High SO4 concentrations are found in areas of lower recharge and permeability, where flushing occurs more slowly. Combining the Red Deer area and province-wide analyses, we identify seven regions across Alberta with characteristic distribution and controls on SO4 occurrence in shallow groundwater.