Jiliang Shen,Yinghe Chen,Xiying Li,Liusu Wang,Weiping Hu,Renhe Tian,Jingying Wang
Abstract:Scientific inquiry has already become a trend in science education throughout the world. Many countries and regions, including the United States, England, Japan, and Taiwan, have made inquiry-based science education and the development of students’ scientific literacy the main objective of science education reform (Abd-El-Khalick & Akerson, 2004). In 2001, China implemented a new round of basic education curriculum reform. China’s Science (7th–9th grade) course objectives state that “students should understand science knowledge through inquiry, obtain scientific skills, grasp scientific processes and methods, begin to understand the nature of science, form scientific attitudes, emotions, and values, and develop their innovative minds and practical abilities” (The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2001). The newly revised curriculum standards for science in 2011 further emphasized the importance of scientific inquiry in science education (The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2011). Since science textbooks play a key role in basic education reform (Chiappetta, Fillman, & Sethna, 1991; Chiappetta & Fillman, 2007; Tarr, Reys, Reys, Chavez, Shih, & Osterlind, 2008), they should reflect the trends in education reform. To some extent, textbooks determine students’ general perceptions of science (Valverde et al., 2002), and because textbooks serve as the specific manifestations of course objectives, it is the teacher’s responsibility to select the best resources for his or her classes. However, studies have shown that textbooks tend to present an overly superficial understanding of science. Therefore, it is pertinent to investigate whether or not the scientific inquiry activities in the eighth-grade physics textbooks in China satisfy the requirements of China’s new curriculum reforms in terms of scientific inquiry. Abstract. In order to analyse whether or not the characteristic of scientific inquiry activities of textbooks in China satisfy the requirements of China’s new curriculum reforms, content analysis method was adopted to analyze scientific inquiry activities in junior middle school physical textbooks (grade 8) of five editions authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The results show that the inquiry activities in the five versions of textbooks in China cannot meet the requirements of authentic scientific inquiry regardless of the degree of openness or operationality of cognitive processes and are not conducive to develop students’ scientific inquiry skills and scientific reasoning skills. The authors of science textbooks should take note of the latest insights from the world of academia and develop some new authentic scientific inquiry tasks to update textbooks in a prompt manner in order to improve the students’ abilities of scientific inquiry. For the textbook reviewers, the present research not only provides them with specific findings, but also provides them with a method to evaluate textbooks.