Guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of degree II furcations in maxillary molars
R Pontoriero,J Lindhe
Abstract:he present clinical trial was designed to evaluate the clinical effect of GTR in the treatment of degree II furcation defects in maxillary molars. 28 patients, 21 to 59 years of age, referred for treatment of advanced periodontal disease were included. They presented with similar periodontal lesions in the right and the left maxillary molar regions, but had only one surface which exhibited furcation involvement. A total of 28 pairs of contralateral furcation defects of degree II including 18 interproximal pairs (10 mesial, 8 distal) and 10 buccal pairs, were available for the study. After the completion of basic therapy, the furcation involved molars in the right and left quadrants in each patient were randomly assigned to either a test or a control treatment procedure. Following flap elevation, scaling, root planing and granulation tissue removal, an e-PTFE membrane at the test site was adjusted to cover the entrance to the furcation defect and adjacent bone and was retained in this position with sling sutures. The mucoperiostal flaps were subsequently adjusted and positioned to cover the entire surface of the membrane and were secured in this position. An identical surgical procedure was performed in the control tooth regions with the exception of the placement of a teflon membrane. No periodontal dressing was used. Starting the day before surgery and continuing for 7 days, the patients received 1 + 1 g of Amoxicillin per day; morning and evening. The sutures were removed after 10 days. At the test sites, the membranes were removed after 6 weeks of healing. The treated sites were examined and re-entry procedures performed 6 months after reconstructive surgery. Open flap debridement at maxillary furcations of degree II resulted in some gingival recession and probing depth reduction, but no change occurred in parameters describing probing attachment or bone levels. The addition of GTR at buccal furcations enhanced the treatment result by promoting probing attachment and bone gain and reduced the amount of soft tissue recession above what was accomplished by flap debridement alone. No such benefit of membrane therapy was observed at mesial and distal furcations.
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