Caring Behaviors of Clinical Instructors and Clinical Practical Setting as Perceived by Nursing Students and its relation to their Self Confidence

Asmaa Youssef Mohamedy,Rehab Mohamed Rashad,Hoda Abdalla Saleh
Journal of Nursing Science Benha University
Abstract:Background: Caring clinical instructors’ interaction with their nursing students in theclinical practical setting causes them to perceive this clinical setting as stimulating, and achallenge. Student nurses who feel cared for and valued are empowered to have self-confidence intheir clinical practical setting. Aim of this study: Was to assess caring behaviors of clinicalinstructors and clinical practical setting as perceived by nursing students and its relation to theirself-confidence. Design: Cross sectional design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: Thestudy was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing Benha University. Sampling: Simple randomsample of nursing students (322) in the second, third and fourth academic year. Tools of datacollection: Included three main tools; I: Caring behaviors questionnaire. II: Clinical practicalsetting questionnaire and III: Students self-confidence scale. Results: 87.9% of nursing studentshad high perception levels regarding total caring behaviors of clinical instructors. Also, 91.9% ofnursing students had high perception level regarding total clinical practical setting, and 89.8% ofthem had high level of self-confidence. Conclusion: There were highly statistically significantpositive correlations between caring behaviors, clinical practical setting and self-confidence.Recommendations: Establish an orientation program for preparation of newly appointed clinicalinstructors about how to assess students' needs and evaluate students' self-confidencecontinuously.
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