Psychological features of working with destructive conditions of elderly people
Volodymyr Shevchenko,Viktoriia Kopach
Abstract:This article highlights the psychological features of counseling with problem clients of old age and there adiness of future and practicing psychologists for this work. It is determined that the modern world, duetoits complexity, dynamism and contradictions, creates various problems for the elderly and actively in terferesin his personal space. All this has a negative effecton the health of the elderly and onthestate of their mental well-being. This leads to certain changesin the personality of the old person: in creased feelings of in feriority, in security, fluctuationsin self-esteem, increased sensitivity; depressed mood, feelings of loneliness, helplessness, anxiety, reducedefficiency; restructuringofthe motivational-needs system, valueorientations; adjustmentof «I-concept»; in creasing interestin experiencing the past, its revaluation; exacerbation and changesin some traits; decreas edvoliti on alactivity, apathymayoccur. As a result, the number of elderlypeoplein need of psychological helpissig nificantly increasing. At the same time, dueto subjective and objective reasons, they may not always behavea dequately during psychological counseling, preventing specialists from solving their psychological problems. It was fo undthat the problem clients of the psychologists hould include: anxious individuals; individuals who experiencefear and phobias; hostileandaggressiveindividuals; unmotivatedclients; customers with inflatedrequirements; individuals who experienceguilt (loss); payingcustomers; hysterical personalities; obsessive personalities; paranoid personalities; schizophrenic personalities; antisocial personalities; individuals who abusealcohol; individuals in a state of depression and suicidalideation. Counseling for the elderly can be carried out on the following issues: severeloss and acutegrief, lossoffunctionalability, difficulties or conflictsin relationships and communication, understanding and changingliving conditions, adaptation to new life circumstances, needs assessment, work withstress, loss of meaningin life , fear of death, etc.