STEM Education and lts Model for lnterdisciplinary lntegration
Shengquan YU,Xiang HU
Abstract:Today, Maker Education has been a hot topic in both educational discussions and practices. Instead of wrongly advocating direct creation and invention in primary and secondary schools, Maker Education should promote integrated STEM Education. In other words, maker education should foster students’ creativity, hands-on, and en-trepreneurship based on the learning integrating contents of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This article introduces the meaning and development of STEM Education, and then clarify nine core features of STEM Edu-cation. Specifically, the nine features are:(1) interdisciplinary ( putting emphasis upon integrated interdisciplinary contents rather than every isolated subjects); (2) fun ( selecting fun problems or projects to appeal students); (3) process experience ( making students learn by doing and experiencing);(4) contextual ( learning in a real-life con-text to avoid rote learning);(5) cooperative ( allocating several students into one group to finish complex tasks by sharing respective knowledge and energies);(6) designability ( designing their products based on questions and re-quirements);(7) artistic ( paying attention to humanity and social sciences when engaging in STEM Education);(8) empirical ( verifying hypothesis, solving problems, and designing products based on empirical evidences); and (9) technology-enhanced ( employing various technologies to promote learning and improve students’ technological literacy) . After that, two types of interdisciplinary curriculum integration models are introduced:the Correlated Cur-riculum remains as an independent subject while the Broad Fields Curriculum breaks the boundaries of subjects, in-tegrates them into a new learning field through activities, and forms a new curriculum structure. Then, three direc-tions of interdisciplinary curriculum integrations, i. e. , disciplinary content oriented, life experience oriented, and learner-centered oriented, are discussed and analyzed. Lastly, the article proposes a design pattern for interdiscipli-nary integration projects based on constructivism, cognitive science, and core features of STEM Education in order to guide future practices.