Digital Storytelling Trends in Early Childhood Education in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

Sigit Purnama,Maulidya Ulfah,Laili Ramadani,Bahbibi Rahmatullah,Iqbal Faza Ahmad
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Digital storytelling is often used in various contexts today, especially in the world of education. Many educators have followed this trend in early childhood education (ECE). This study examines the application of digital storytelling in ECE in Indonesia. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) a method, this research is a qualitative approach which is also known as a meta-synthesis. The literature reviewed was 15 articles from 56 articles that researchers found in the Google Scholar database. The results show that digital storytelling serves as an important method and medium to ensure children's learning experiences are enjoyable. In general, it is used in ECE in Indonesia through simple technology. This technology can enhance a story or fairy tale by making it more fun, interesting, communicative, and dramatic. However, the findings of this review of studies and methodological gaps have implications for ECE policy, practice, and research in Indonesia. 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