Stress Optimization of F1 Car Chassis Using FEA Technique

Rajkumar .,Mr. Abhishek Saxena,Mr. Ankit Saxena
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Abstract:Abstract: Chassis is the primary structural component of an automobile. It is the main supporting structure of a vehicle to which all other systems like braking, suspension and differential are attached. In this project, a methodology for F1 Car chassis design and structural stability analysis is presented. A literature study is carried out to review various existing designs of vehicle chassis, latest innovations and advanced materials used to manufacture the same. The various types of forces and stresses commonly acting on chassis structures are analyzed and their effects on the vehicle are understood. After completing literature study, several findings are listed in a systematic manner, by providing ample arguments to justify each of them. The pro-con analysis is conducted to evaluate merits and demerits of each alternative type of chassis and the material to manufacture it. In this research work, the material are Aluminum Alloy and AISI1144 Carbon steel. Analysis both material in different parameters which are essential for any ideal chasiss such as various types of forces and stresses commonly acting on chassis structures are analyzed and their effects on the vehicle. The most essential design criteria are derived by selecting different materials which then acts as important guidelines during the actual design process. Structural chassis frame is designed as per the design criteria, using the CAD software CATIAV5R19 and the structural stability of the same is tested and analyzed using ANSYS Workbench 19.0 software. From the results of these analysis tests the static structural stability of the design is confirmed. Keywords: Ansys Workbench, Design for Material, Chassis and Carbon Steel.
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