S.V. Sokolnyk,D.Yu. Nechytailo,N.Ya. Chornei,I.Ya. Losiuk
Abstract:Aim – to investigate the prevalence of different phenotypes of peptic ulcer in pediatric patients.Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 120 protocols of fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy in children, performed at the Chernivtsi Regional Children’sClinical Hospital with a brush biopsy for the purpose of diagnosing Helicobacter pylori,was conducted. Helicobacter pylori infection was confirmed by enzyme immunoassay.The examination results were copied from medical records. Statistical methods generallyaccepted in medicine were used.The results. The comparison of the obtained results was carried out depending on thepositive or negative tests for Helicobacter pylori infection (77.5% and 22.5%). Thephenotypic features of duodenal ulcers (Helicobacter pylori- associated ulcers: acute,paroxysmal pain, not associated with eating, dyspepsia in the form of heartburn andvomiting, predominance of intoxication syndrome, more frequent and longer periodsof exacerbation, isolated defects localized on the posterior and the front walls ofthe duodenal bulb, with widespread duodenitis and a high degree of activity of theinflammatory process in the mucosa. Helicobacter pylori- unassociated ulcers: periodicaching pain, pronounced nausea, sour belching, multiple defects of the mucous membranewith localization on the front wall of the duodenal bulb, a limited form of duodenitis witha mild degree of inflammation of the mucous membrane.Conclusion. Duodenal ulcer occurs more often in boys than in girls and has variousclinical and endoscopic manifestations. However, clinical or endoscopic characteristicsare insufficient markers to identify Helicobacter pylori- associated ulcers.
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