Study the Relationship Between Obesity and Fertility in Diabetic Iraqi Men
Dunia Tahseen Nema Al-Aridhi,Hazim I. Al-Ahmed
Journal of Biotechnology Research Center
Abstract:The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between obesity and fertility in Iraqidiabetic men whose body mass index (BMI) more than 25Kg/m2, and compare the results with controlgroup corresponding age and BMI. Forty samples of men semen's were divided into two groups with andwithout diabetes and each group subdivided into two subgroups according to BMI. The parameters thatmeasured in this study are( glucose, insulin and lipid profile in fasting state) also (testosterone, prolactin,alkaline phosphatase) were measured for each of four subgroups [controls(I, II) and diabetes(III, IV)].Semen's analysis included (sperm concentration in ml, total count per ejaculate and viability). In diabeticsubgroup (III) the mean levels of fasting blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides weresignificantly elevated, while significantly decrease in testosterone, prolactin, high density lipoproteinscholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and total sperm count but there were no significant difference in totalcholesterol, the sperm concentration and viability as compared with control subgroup(I). In diabeticsubgroup (IV) the mean levels of fasting blood (glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides) weresignificantly elevated, while significantly decrease in (testosterone, prolactin, high density lipoproteinscholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, sperm concentration, viability and total sperm count) but there were nosignificant difference in fasting (insulin and high density lipoproteins- cholesterol) as compared withcontrol subgroup(II). In diabetic subgroup(III) the mean of BMI and the mean levels of fasting blood(glucose, total cholesterol and triglycerides) significantly elevated, while there were significantly decreasein(testosterone, alkaline phosphatase, sperm concentration, viability and total sperm count but there wereno significant difference in fasting (insulin, high density lipoproteins- cholesterol) and prolactin, ascompared with diabetic subgroup(IV). For all the above biochemical parameters investigated we canconclude that there is inverse- relationship between obesity and fertility which increase in the presence ofdiabetes.