Chinese consumer perception and purchasing behavior of beef - Mainly in North and East China
Yanxiaoxue Liu,Xiaoyin Yang,Yunge Liu,Pengcheng Dong,Rongrong Liang,David L Hopkins,Benjamin W B Holman,Xin Luo,Lixian Zhu,Zhengang Yang,Yimin Zhang
Abstract:Beef is an important food for Chinese people and understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that impact on their satisfaction and purchasing behavior is necessary for industry growth. This was confirmed using an online survey that included 26 questions and 3617 valid responses, mainly from people located in North and East China. It was found that 47.7 % of Chinese residents like to eat beef, and they perceive beef as healthy and of high nutritional value. Chilled beef, exclusive of hot-boned or frozen products, was preferred by the majority (58.2 %) of respondents. Shank was the most popular beef cut for Chinese consumers, reflecting that stewing was found to be the preferred method for cooking beef. There were demographic differences in consumption frequency, purchase location, and the most important sensory qualities of beef for Chinese consumers. Male consumers placed more importance on the marbling of beef compared to female consumers (P < 0.05). Meat color, marbling, and price were ranked as the top three factors considered when respondents were purchasing beef. Eating and cooking habits had the strongest effect on consumer willingness to purchase beef. These findings will help to support consumer orientated beef production and processing in North and East China.