Segmentation of White Blood Cell, Nucleus and Cytoplasm in Digital Haematology Microscope Images: A Review–Challenges, Current and Future Potential Techniques
Khamael AL-Dulaimi,Jasmine Banks,Kien Nugyen,Aiman Al-Sabaawi,Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes,Vinod Chandran
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
Abstract:Segmentation of white blood cells in digital haematology microscope images represents one of the major tools in the diagnosis and evaluation of blood disorders. Pathological examinations are being the gold standard in many haematology and histophathology, and also play a key role in the diagnosis of diseases. In clinical diagnosis, white blood cells are analysed by pathologists from peripheral blood smears samples of patients. This analysis is mainly based on morphological features and characteristics of the white blood cells and their nuclei and cytoplasm, including, shapes, sizes, colours, textures, maturity stages and staining processes. Recently, Computer Aided Diagnosis techniques have been rapidly growing in the digital haematology area related to white blood cells, and their nuclei and cytoplasm detection, as well as their segmentation and classification techniques. In digital haematology image analysis, these techniques have played and will continue to play, a vital role for providing traceable clinical information, consolidating pertinent second opinions, and minimizing human intervention. This study outlines, discusses, and introduces the major trends from a particular review of detection and segmentation methods for white blood cells and their nuclei and cytoplasm from digital haematology microscope images. Performance of existing methods have been comprehensively compared, taking into account databases used, number of images and limitations. This study can also help us to identify the challenges that remain, in achieving a robust analysis of white blood cell microscope images, which could support the diagnosis of blood disorders and assist researchers and pathologists in the future. The impact of this work is to enhance the accuracy of pathologists' decisions and their efficiency, and overall benefit the patients for faster and more accurate diagnosis. The significant of the paper on intelligent system is that provides future potentia- techniques for solving overlapping white blood cell identification and other problems microscopic images. The accurate segmentation and detection of white blood cells can increase the accuracy of cell counting system for diagnosing diseases in the future.
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