COVID-19 and Health Sector Development Plans in Africa: The Impact on Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Uganda

Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Abstract:Mary Gorret Atim, 1, 2 Violet Dismas Kajogoo, 1, 3 Demeke Amare, 1, 4 Bibie Said, 1, 5 Melka Geleta, 1, 6 Yilkal Muchie, 1, 7 Hanna Amanuel Tesfahunei, 1, 8 Dawit Getachew Assefa, 1, 9 Tsegahun Manyazewal 1 1 Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa), College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 2 Department of Public Health, Busitema University Faculty of Health Sciences, Mbale, Uganda; 3 Mafie District Hospital, Mafia Island, Pwani Region, Tanzania; 4 Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration Authority (EFDA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 5 Kibong'oto National Tuberculosis Hospital, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania; 6 Federal Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 7 All Africa Leprosy and Rehabilitation Training (ALERT) Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 8 Hager Biomedical Research Institute, Asmara, Eritrea; 9 Department of Nursing, College of Medical and Health Sciences, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia Correspondence: Mary Gorret Atim Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa), College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 9086, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Email Introduction: Health Sector Development Plans (HSDPs) aim to accelerate movement towards achieving sustainable development goals for health, reducing inequalities, and ending poverty. Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services are vulnerable to economic imbalances, including health insecurity, unmet need for healthcare, and low health expenditure. The same vulnerability influences the potential of a country to combat global outbreaks such as the COVID-19. We aimed to provide some important insights into the impacts of COVID-19 on RMNCH indicators and outcomes of the HSDP in Uganda. Methods: We conducted a descriptive study of secondary data obtained from the Ugandan government-led portals, supplemented by analyses of relevant articles published up to 06 May 2021 and deposited in PubMed. Results: Through synthesizing actionable and relevant evidence, we realized that RMNCH in Uganda is highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures. The impact was across immunization, antenatal, sexual and reproductive health, emergency and obstetric, and postnatal care services. There was a decline sharply by 9.6% for under-five vitamin A coverage, 9% for DPT 3 HibHeb 3 coverage, 6.8% for measles vaccination coverage, 6% for isoniazid preventive therapy coverage, and 3% for facility-based deliveries. Maternal and under-five deaths increased by 7.6% and 4%, respectively. Outreaches were rarely conducted in the lockdown period. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a multitude of questions regarding the optimal policies to mitigate the disease while minimizing the unintended detrimental consequences of RMNCH. The lockdown restrictions threatened to reverse the progress made on the national HSDP for RMNCH. In Uganda, where young women are vulnerable to early marriage, unintended pregnancies, and unsafe abortion, access to RMNCH services should continue regardless of the COVID-19 status in the country. We urge that Uganda and other African countries should build resilient and sustainable health systems that can withstand emerging diseases like the COVID-19. Keywords: COVID-19, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, Health Sector Development Plan, Africa, Uganda Health Sector Development Plans (HSDPs) aim to accelerate movement towards achieving sustainable development goals for health, reducing inequalities, and ending poverty. Many countries in Africa have set ambitious HSDPs to improve equitable access to health services and strengthen health systems in line with their national health policy and overall country strategy. 1–4 Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services have been one of their top priorities. 5–11 RMNCH services are vulnerable to economic imbalances, including health insecurity, unmet need for healthcare, and low health expenditure. 12–14 The same vulnerability influences the potential of a country to combat global outbreaks such as the COVID-19. There were global concerns that COVID-19 would severely disrupt the healthcare system and threaten the already overburdened healthcare system, particularly in countries with limited resources. 15–17 The Ebola outbreak was declared a public health emergency of international concern as it might result in an unprece -Abstract Truncated-
health care sciences & services,health policy & services
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