Sanja B. Filipović,Bojana P. Škorc,
Nasledje Kragujevac
Abstract:This article presents the process and impacts of interdisciplinary approach to education of students of arts. The project has been implemented during 2017/18 as Summer Art School (Let- nja umetnička škola) of the University of Arts in Belgrade. Starting from the idea of a holistic approach in education, the concept of the school was based on interdisciplinary teaching and connected art, science and technology. It was implemented as a type of educational experiment, which was conducted in specific conditions and methodically designed the way that the focus was on the synergistic action of various formal as well as implicit stimulating factors in the teaching process. The main goal of the Program was to apply those methodological approaches for supporting and up-grading the performance of students, especially in terms of developing cognitive and creative potentials and intrinsic motivation. In accordance with the basic idea of integrative teaching and interdisciplinary competences, the findings of quantum physics have been used as initial problem material for discussion and analysis. The program was attended by 22 students from four faculties of the University of Arts in Belgrade and seven university professors in the role of teachers-mentors (workshop leaders) who implemented the contents, methods and activities defined by the program. Project was placed in the Research Center Petnica in Valjevo. During the implementation of the project, various elements were observed, such as students attitudes toward the program and its effects, toward workshop leaders and working atmosphere and toward personal artistic development. Comparisons between initial and final phases showed that students noticed some positive qualitative changes as results of the project activities. In the last phase of the Program, an evaluation was conducted through a survey which examined the attitudes of students about the concept of the program and the conditions in which the program was implemented. According to the respondents, this form of integrative teaching, methodical approach of teachers and stimulating environment, appeared as an incentive for students. Regarding their learning, motivation and development of ideas, they unanimously report positive impacts on their creative production. Some of the most important issues reported by students were: they find initial learning material (findings of quantum theory by David Bohm) as very inspiring; methodological approach and team work have been recognized as important; research centre and it’s capacities have been seen as motivating; integrative workshops, psychological work and friendly atmosphere allowed deeper and more productive art work; the interrelation between art, science and technology appeared as stimulating field for exploration; concept of the project allowed broad and inte- grative ideas to appear; the teaching process has been perceived as very well organized and stimulating. In general, students opinions confirm that this educational concept is more than welcomed in the field of high art education, and is in a functional and conceptual sense, inher- ent to the needs and challenges of contemporary society.
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