Satisfaction of Early Teacher Education Students with the Visual Arts Teaching Methodology Course as an Indicator of Teaching Quality / Zadovoljstvo studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja nastavom kao indikator kvalitete izvođenja nastave iz

Marijana Županić Benić,Anita Rončević,Darko Lončarić
Abstract:The education of future teachers should be based on quality courses that entail effective teaching and learning as well as the development of students’ teaching competences (knowledge, skills, and abilities) that they will need for working with children in preschool settings. One potential indicator of the study program quality is the interaction between students and university teachers and mentors who are competent and qualified to provide students with feedback required to help them work as preschool teachers with children in the future. The methodology exercises in visual arts and other areas are some of the most important activities in the early education teacher study program because they provide students with the opportunity to gain practical experiences and skills while working with children in early education and kindergarten settings. Those exercises require students to implement educational theories in practice, and they also contribute to the development of the students’ personal, methodological, and professional teaching competences. The object of research in this study is the satisfaction of students enrolled in the early education teacher study program The empirical research was conducted on all faculties of teacher education in Croatia that have an early teacher education study program. The anonymous surveys were administered to students (N=220) who attended Visual Arts Teaching Methodology course in order to measure the characteristics of the sample as well as their satisfaction with: teacher performance, assessment and grading, student teaching experiences, course organization, availability of learning materials and resources, development of the students’ teaching competences, and overall satisfaction with the course. A regression analysis was used to identify those elements of the course that are the best predictors of student satisfaction. The standardized regression coefficients indicate that student satisfaction with the course is best explained by the following predictors: teacher performance, course organization and development of teaching competences. In addition to the quantitative analysis, an analysis of qualitative data was conducted in order to identify the most common themes in the constructive feedback about the course provided by the students.Key words: competence development; course quality; course satisfaction; preschool teacher; Visual Arts Teaching Methodology.---SažetakObrazovanje budućih odgojitelja trebalo bi se temeljiti na kvaliteti nastave koja podrazumijeva učinkovito i kvalitetno poučavanje i učenje, te stjecanje kompetencija (znanja, vještina i sposobnosti) koje će odgajatelju biti potrebne za rad s djecom rane i predškolske dobi. Jedan od mogućih indikatora kvalitete studija jest kvalitetna interakcija studenata sa sveučilišnim nastavnicima i mentorima u vježbaonicama koji su kompetentni i osposobljeni da studentima pružaju povratne informacije koje će im pomoći u budućem profesionalnom radu s djecom.U studiju Ranog i predškolskog odgaja i obrazovanja (RPOO) metodičke vježbe, pa tako i metodičke vježbe iz likovne kulture, jedan su od najvažnijih nastavnih oblika osposobljavanja studenata u inicijalnom obrazovanju budućih odgojitelja jer omogućuju studentima stjecanje praktičnih iskustava i vještina u izravnom radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi,  povezivanje teorije i prakse u integriranim aktivnostima, kao i razvijanje osobnih, stručnih i metodičkih kompetencija. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada jest ispitivanje zadovoljstva studenata RPOO kvalitetom izvođenja nastave metodike likovne kulture.Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na svim Učiteljskim fakultetima u Republici Hrvatskoj koji imaju studij Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Ispitani su studenti (N=220) koji su odslušali nastavu i iz Metodike likovne kulture (MLK). Anonimnim anketnim upitnikom osim općih podataka dobivene su informacije iz područja nastavnog posredovanja, praćenja i ocjenjivanja studenata, metodičkog posredovanja u vrtiću, organizacije nastave MLK, uporabe odgojno-obrazovnih sredstava i pomagala, kompetencija studenata u metodičkom osposobljavanju i njihovo cjelokupno zadovoljstvo kvalitetom osposobljavanja. Regresijskom analizom istražili smo koji elementi nastave nabolje predviđaju zadovoljstvo studenata RPOO nastavom iz MLK. Standardizirani regresijski koeficijenti ukazuje na to da zadovoljstvo studenata RPOO nastavom MLK najbolje predviđaju prediktori: nastavno posredovanje, organizacija nastave MLK i kompetencije studenata. Osim kvantitativne provedena je i kvalitativna obrada podataka kojom autori na temelju dobivenih odgovora ispitanika iznose najučestalije konstruktivne prijedloge studenata  za poboljšanje kvalitete nastave MLK. Ključne riječi: odgojitelj; kvaliteta nastave; zadovoljstvo nastavom; razvijanje kompetencija; metodika likovne kulture.
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