Weak solutions for some compressible multicomponent fluid models
Antonin Novotny,Milan Pokorny
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00205-019-01424-2
Abstract:The principle purpose of this work is to investigate a "viscous" version of a "simple" but still realistic bi-fluid model described in [Bresch, Desjardin, Ghidaglia, Grenier, Hillairet] whose "non-viscous" version is derived from physical considerations in \cite[Ishii, Hibiki]{ISHI} as a particular sample of a multifluid model with algebraic closure. The goal is to show existence of weak solutions for large initial data on an arbitrarily large time interval. We achieve this goal by transforming the model to an academic system which resembles to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, with however two continuity equations and a momentum equation endowed with pressure of complicated structure dependent on two variable densities. The new "academic system" is then solved by an adaptation of the Lions--Feireisl approach for solving compressible Navier--Stokes equation, completed with several observations related to the DiPerna--Lions transport theory inspired by [Maltese, Michalek, Mucha, Novotny, Pokorny, Zatorska] and [Vasseur, Wen, Yu]. We also explain how these techniques can be generalized to a model of mixtures with more then two species.
This is the first result on the existence of weak solutions for any realistic multifluid system.
Analysis of PDEs