Design features of books with augmented reality for preschool children.
Natalia Yu. Kazakova,Natalia Yu. Lakizenko
Abstract:Preschool age is rightfully considered one of the most important periods in a child's life, since at this stage the formation of the psycho-emotional structure of the personality, the recognition of oneself, one's desires, the disclosure of the concept of the inner world take place. Acquaintance with a book for a child is nothing more than an opportunity to develop in a multi-faceted manner, to learn the world through immersion in a visual-graphic environment, culture. Independent study of books and electronic resources forms the skill of searching for information without the help of the environment, teaches to concentrate on one's desires, but it also has a negative aspect - the lack of primary socialization that occurs in the process of interaction between the child and the parent. Reading with the help of an adult can help a preschooler understand a lot more, both in terms of acquiring new knowledge and gaining emotional experience. The visual-graphic language, through which the “communication” of the child and the book takes place, develops the aesthetic, artistic and moral experience that a person relies on in their adulthood. In the era of digitalization, major changes are taking place in the book market, which are associated not only with new formats, but also with new needs and types of thinking of preschoolers. Introducing a child to the virtual space from an early age leads to the consumption of a large amount of information that does not have time to be remembered due to the limitations of a child's memory and cognition. The consequence of which is a superficial acquaintance with the material, the lack of knowledge as such. Reading for preschoolers seems to be a too long and complicated process, the cognitive function of the book is losing its relevance due to the lack of interest in the process. Augmented reality technologies provide the child with the opportunity to interact with the book in 4 planes at once, which greatly expands the possibilities of paper publications. A gadget (a mobile phone or a tablet) is connected to the process of "communication" between a preschooler and a book. The interactive component consists in animating illustrations that can be presented in the form of a game that has a direct connection with the text. Emphasizing clip thinking of preschoolers, the text in augmented reality books is concise, written in simple language, with an emphasis on the most important details, which greatly simplifies understanding and memorization. AR or "Augmented Reality" has great potential for children from a very young age.