Sexual Behaviors and Lexicons of Words Used to Talk on Sexual Issues among Young People: The Case of Debre Berhan University Students, Ethiopia

Demie TG,Hussen MA,Huluka TK,Koricha ZB
Abstract:Background: Sexual practices among the young have been reported to be on the increase worldwide. Young people are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors. Therefore, sexual behaviors among young people need more attention. The aim of this study was to explore sexual behaviors and lexicons of words used to talk about sexual issues among Debra Berhan University students. Methods: Qualitative study was conducted using 8 Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) and participant observation. Participants were selected using criterion purposive sampling. Semi-structured focus group discussion guides and observation checklists were used as data collection tools. Information was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. ATLAS.ti 7 software was used for coding and memo developing process. Data collection and analysis were undertaken simultaneously using constant comparative analysis. Results: A total of 69 students were participated in this study. Sexual behaviors among the University students were risky. Having multiple sexual partners and sexual practice without condom with non-regular partner was common among the students. Besides, students leave the responsibility of contraceptive use for one another. Globalization, peer pressure, substance abuse, financial constraint and lack of parental control were among the main reasons for sexual practices. University students commonly use unique terms when they talk about their sexual practices than formal language used by the community. They consider these terminologies as modern languages to talk about sexual issues. Conclusion: Sexual behaviors among the University students were unsafe and affected by multiple factors. Therefore, strategies that reduce risky sexual behaviors should be considered and strengthened targeting university students. Strengthening promotion of condom use, peer education and life skill training are helpful for the university students to get rid of risky sexual practice.
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