The Risks of the Integration of Educated Employees at Different Stages of the Entrepreneurial M & A and the Cause for these Risks: a Multi-case Study Based on the ASA Model
Yan Shimei
Abstract:By the introduction of the ASA model,we have,in this article,considered the process of integration of the educated employees(EE),in the entrepreneurial M&A,as a process of attraction-selection-break-in,and then used a vertical case and three cross-sectional horizontal cases to analyze the risks of and the cause for the key integration in each process.The results of our analysis show that,in the process of the decision-making towards attraction,the EE think,generally speaking,that they are fit,in a certain degree,with the new M &A organization,that,at this stage,the key integration risks(KIR) of the EE are negative psychological response,that the limit of information and the uncertainty of M&A events are the core contributing factors of this response,that,in the process of the post M&A stage towards selection,the new organization use the new organizational structure,the new system and culture to reselect the EE in the merged company,that,at this stage,the KIR are leaving office,that difference in the cul ture of both sides is the key contributing factors,that the process of the stage of the psychological merge towards wear-in is a process of the formation of organizational identification,that,at this stage,the KIR of the EE are the lack of trust and organizational identification and the formation of cliques,and that the cultural dissimilarity of both sides of merge and the status difference based on discrimination are the key causative elements thereof.We have,in this study,extended the use of the application situation and made the study on the problem of the integration of the human capital in the merge go to a dynamic analysis from a static analysis.