Development of technology for centrifugal hulling of grain seeds
I. V. Matskevich,V. N. Nevzorov,V. N. Teplyashin,A. A. Maltsev
Proceedings of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Abstract:The working operation of peeling wheat grain is the main one to increase the value of grain in the production of flour, because when processing grain into flour, flour of the highest and first grades is mainly used only endosperm, and fruit and seed shells, aleurone and subaleiron layers, the embryo go into bran, therefore 60-90% of B vitamins, groups of E, folic acid, niacin, as well as a large group of trace elements concentrated in the aleurone and subaleurone layers and the embryo. Modern flour mills do not carry out an effective wheat grain peeling process, in which only the fruit and seed shells would be removed, and the high-value aleurone and subaleiron layers, the embryo and endosperm would be completely left in the flour. The article presents materials on the development of technology for centrifugal peeling of grain seeds based on a new design of a centrifugal husker, the copyright of which is protected by the patent of the Russian Federation for utility model No. 114622 "Centrifugal husker". A new technical task solved in the design of the patented centrifugal husker is to make the working body oval, the inner surface of which is lined with elastic material, and the flexible chamber located inside the oval body is mounted on the drive shaft and on the outer surface is also covered with a textured elastic material. To ensure the efficiency of the grain peeling process, the necessary working gap is established in the developed design, due to the change in the number of revolutions of the electric motor and the calibrated grain divided into fractions, after washing and cooling, goes to peeling, in which only the fruit and seed shells are removed. Thus, the developed new technological equipment provides an increase in the efficiency of the peeling process by 90-92% by reducing the losses of the aleurone and subaleurone layers, the embryo and part of the endosperm, and also increases the yield of whole unbroken grain.