Comparison of the diagnostic value of symmetric dimethylarginine, cystatin C, and creatinine for detection of decreased glomerular filtration rate in dogs

Lena Pelander,Jens Häggström,Anders Larsson,Harriet Syme,Jonathan Elliott,Reidun Heiene,Ingrid Ljungvall
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Abstract:<style> .inline-equation { overflow-x:auto; } </style><article> <div class="abstract-group"> <section class="article-section article-section__abstract" lang="en" data-lang="en" id="section-1-en"> <h2 id="d7451607" class="article-section__header section__title main abstractlang_en main">Abstract</h2> <div class="article-section__content en main"> <div class="article-section__content" id="jvim15445-sec-0001"> <h3 class="article-section__sub-title section1"> Background</h3> <p>Early detection of decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in dogs is challenging. Current methods are insensitive and new biomarkers are required.</p>
veterinary sciences
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