The DREAM implant: A Lightweight, Modular and Cost-Effective Implant System for Chronic Electrophysiology in Head-fixed and Freely Behaving Mice
Tim Schroeder,Robert Taylor,Muad Abd El Hay,Abdellatif Nemri,Arthur Franca,Francesco Battaglia,Paul Tiesinga,Marieke L. Schoelvinck,Martha N. Havenith
Abstract:Chronic electrophysiological recordings in rodents have significantly improved our understanding of neuronal dynamics and their behavioral relevance. However, current methods for chronically implanting probes present steep trade-offs between cost, ease of use, size, adaptability and long-term stability. This protocol introduces a novel chronic probe implant system for mice called the DREAM (Dynamic, Recoverable, Economical, Adaptable and Modular), designed to overcome the trade-offs associated with currently available options. The system provides a lightweight, modular and cost-effective solution with standardized hardware elements that can be combined and implanted in straightforward steps and explanted safely for recovery and multiple re-use of probes, significantly reducing experimental costs. The DREAM implant system integrates three hardware modules: (1) a microdrive that can carry all standard silicon probes, allowing experimenters to adjust recording depth across a travel distance of up to 7mm; (2) a 3D-printable, open-source design for a wearable Faraday cage covered in copper mesh for electrical shielding, impact protection and connector placement, and (3) a miniaturized head-fixation system for improved animal welfare and ease of use. The corresponding surgery protocol was optimized for speed (total duration: 2 hours), probe safety and animal welfare. The resulting implants had minimal impact on animals behavioral repertoire, were easily applicable in freely moving and head-fixed contexts and delivered clearly identifiable spike waveforms and healthy neuronal responses for weeks of data collection post-implant. Infections and other surgery complications were extremely rare. As such, the DREAM implant system is a versatile, cost-effective solution for chronic electrophysiology in mice, enhancing animal well-being, and enabling more ethologically sound experiments. Its design simplifies experimental procedures across various research needs, increasing accessibility of chronic electrophysiology in rodents to a wide range of research labs.