Eko Harianto,La Ode Nursalam,Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan,Z Zakaria,D Damhuri,Andri Estining Sejati
Geosfera Indonesia
Abstract:The problem in this research relates to the learning theory that rarely considered as a basis in learning in Indonesia. learning plans and syllabus structure in the national curriculum is not included learning theory point. learning theory only has been less studied in the subjects in geography education undergraduate. This makes learning theory material less explored. Learning theory is also often forgotten in educational research undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Many research did not allude to the relevance of learning theory in learning. After graduating, they less develop or linking learning theory with the teaching profession. That condition makes learning essence should be strengthened to become weak or even disappear.This research aims to describe the compatibility when applying outdoor study environment subjects with the psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning theory in senior high school. This research used a qualitative methodology with the type of descriptive exploitative research. Data sources are students and geography teachers. The process of collecting data uses the method of observation and interviews. Data were analyzed with the 6 Cresswell's qualitative analyzing steps. The results show that the application of outdoor study is suitable both the psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning. The compatibility is reflected in the learning activities, there are: before, during, and after working in the outdoor. The teacher's ability to implement the basis of psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning makes learning more easily understood and meaningful for students. Keywords: meaningful learning, outdoor study, psychological theories. References Agra et al. (2019). Analysis of The Cocept of Meaningful Learning in Light of The Ausubel’s Theory. Rev Bras Enferm 72(1), 248-255. Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (2015). 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Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License
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