Plant-Parasitic Nematode Genera Associated with Date Palm in Central Iraq
Riyadh Talib Al-Khafaji,Richard Smiley,Ahmed Riyadh Al-Khafaji
Abstract:A survey of plant-parasitic nematode genera associated with roots of mature date palm trees was conducted in central Iraq to study the occurrence, population density and geographical distribution. This study in Baghdad, Babil, Diyala, Karbela, Najaf, and Wasit governorates was conducted from 2019 to 2023, during the months from October to April. A total of 150 soil and root samples were gathered from 46 fields, and plant parasitic nematodes were extracted and morphologically identified to genus level. Eleven genera of plant parasitic nematodes were detected in the declining order of frequency: Tylenchorhynchus spp. (20%) in Baghdad, Babil, Diyala, Karbala, and Najaf; Meloidogyne spp., (17.3%) in Baghdad, Babil, Diyala, Najaf, and Wasit; Paratylenchus spp. (16%) in Diyala and Najaf; Helicotylenchus spp. (12%) in Baghdad, Diyala, Najaf, and Wasit; Tylenchus spp. (12%) in Baghdad, Babil, Diyala, Najaf, and Wasit; Aphelenchoides spp. (6.7%) in Babil, Diyala, Karbala, and Wasit; Pratylenchus spp. (4%) in Baghdad, Diyala, Najaf, and Wasit; Ditylenchus spp. (3.3%) in Babil and Najaf; Hoplolaimus spp. (1.3%) in Diyala; and Heterodera spp. and Scutellonema spp. (0.7% each) in Diyala. Population density was low in Baghdad. High population density was recorded for Meloidogyne spp., (37625 J2 /1000 cm3 soil) and lowest population density occurred with Paratylenchus spp. (20 nematodes /1000 cm3 soil) in Diyala (Al-Jadidah). This appears to be the first report of occurrences of plant-parasitic nematodes of date palm in central Iraq.