Gender xenophobia: candidate gender behavior in a love and preliminary period
І. O. Святненко
Abstract:The article is devoted to the study of scenarios of gender behavior in situations of violence, gender patterns of friendship / maintenance of horizontal relations after marriage by representatives of men and women, tolerance / intolerance towards minority gender representatives, gender maturity / separation and heterophobia in marriage and gender legitimization of male friendship and women. This topic is relevant in the context of the study of gender hierarchies and latent discriminatory practices regarding men in matriarchal gender culture. The subject matter of the article is actualized, first and foremost, in connection with the social consequences of applying double standards of evaluation and violations of gender justice and equality arising from gender racism. The attitude of men and women in Ukraine to the gender standards of friendship with representatives of the sexes, as well as the attitude towards minority gender representatives, can be generalized using the concept of gender xenophobia. This concept allows you to analyze the empirical research of women’s ambitions regarding male friendship (as well as the slight discovery of the relevant crimes and expectations of men about women’s friendship) in the context of understanding gender identity. The functional link between gender xenophobia and gender identity is considered in the visual analysis and sociology of visual symbolism, taking into account the following key ideas: a) xenophobia sets the bias of women’s gender consciousness on the basis of the opposition «we-them», «theirs-aliens», using distrust, fear , hatred of «strangers» as the basis of group communication, integration and consolidation of actions for the implementation of group gender repression against men; b) the essential characteristics of matriarchal gender xenophobia are binary oppositions in the design of gender relations (high / low, significant / insignificant, etc.) and the structural evaluation of feminized men as «their», and masculinized men and representatives of minority gender groups - as «strangers»; c) the negative attitude of masculinized men and representatives of minority gender groups to «strangers» is significantly higher (by comparison with the male part of the sample) from the part of the female respondents; The basis of gender xenophobia, both for men and women, can be the affections of fear, anger, disgust, contempt, and envy; d) hostility towards masculinized men and representatives of minority gender groups as «alien» can be manifested in various hidden-aggressive actions towards identified «alien» not only in situations of real deviant behavior, but also in its absence; e) Generation of negative social feelings of women towards men can be caused by any situation of male friendship, which is automatically stigmatized as latent-homosexual and requiring control, mediation and regulation by women; e) the corresponding stereotypes of deviance of male friendship in the Ukrainian gender culture can be applied in the process of gender socialization by inducing homophobia to men who, on the basis of the suggestion of fear, disgust, shame, turn into the actual identification of male friendly relations as deviant (or questionable, normal), and women’s friendly relations - both natural and legitimized in gender morals; g) hostility towards manhood as an identified «alien» is constructed with the help of social morality, gender mythology, religion and part of scientific or quasi-scientific ideas.